Thursday 24 September 2015

Work Diary - Pattern

In todays afternoon lesson we were tasked with photographing pattern. I didn't really understand what this was as I felt that it would be very hard having photographed texture just a few days before and I felt that they were very similar. However once I had seen a small presentation of what could be photographed for pattern I had a better understanding of what I could take.  During our shooting time I went on a walk around the town and around the college, I found that there was more to photograph than I thought there would be. 

Below is one of the photos that I took during this shoot that I like 

Camera Settings - 1/125 sec f/5.6 ISO 125

The reason I like this photograph is because it shows a clear pattern, that is repeated throughout the photograph, I like this photo because the pattern is clear in it and shows of the pattern well, the angle that the photo is taken at helps to show the pattern as well, the pattern is 3D and this is shown through  the different shapes and depths shown within the photo. I like this photo because of the clear pattern that features within the photograph. 

However I did not like all the photographs I took below is one photo that I too that I didn't like 

I don't like this photo as I don't think that it shows much pattern and I don't think that it is a particularly good photo. I don't like the angle that it is taken as it is just straight forward, there is no different angle and not really much skill involved in taking this photograph. I don't like it because I don't feel like it shows the topic particularly well. 


If I were to go out a shoot pattern I would try and go to a more rural setting and try to show different more natural patterns as I feel that many of the patterns I shoot today are very man made and not very natural, i would like to show more natural patterns and natural occurrences of pattern within the natural world. I would also look at different angles in which to shoot the pattern as a away in which to truly show of the pattern in the best way. I would also look for patterns that are not always obvious in everyday life. 

 Snake Skin
 Rows of Chairs

1 comment:

  1. review straight images and identify other examples for the work diary that could be used to describe your progression.
