Tuesday 22 September 2015

Definition Post - Texture

Dictionary Definition - the ​quality of something that can be ​decided by ​touch; the ​degree to which something is ​rough or ​smooth, or ​soft or hard. 

Texture - refers to the tactile qualities of the physical surface of the object. In other words, how does the surface of the work feel when you touch it? 

Describing words for texture-

 The texture in this can be clearly seen through the different the different shapes of the ice but also through the different shadows and the different light used within the photos
 In this photo the different textures within the photo have been highlighted through the fact that the picture black and white. The different tones make the texture really stand out and show all the different textures. 
The difference in the lighting in these pictures is enough to show of the texture in the photograph and the side of the cup is featured in the photograph giving it depth and really showing of the texture.

The texture in this photo features throughout the whole picture, the dark shades that appear in the cracks within the really helps to show of the texture and the depth in the photo. 

Personal Definition  - Shows how something would feel through the used of lights and shadows. 

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