Tuesday 22 September 2015

Image Bank - Texture

I put this photo into my image bank, because it is zoomed in very close to show a very intricate and small texture that would be naturally missed in the everyday world. I like this photo because the different colours used within the photo also helps to show the texture due to the different shades of red shown within the picture. I like the photo because it uses the zoom very well and the use of light has also been well used. The well used light makes the shows off the texture within the leaf and allows the texture to be really seen. I like this image because it shows of a texture that is pretty much not thought about in the modern day. 

I like both of these photos because they really give the viewer of the photograph a sense of what the subject of the photograph would feel like and how rough the subject would be. These photos really give a sense depth and allow you get a good idea of what the subject would feel like. The texture is extremely obvious in these photos and shows it off. The use of the straight forward angle really shows off the different levels and different textures within the photograph. In the first picture the different directions of the rope have been used to extenuates the different textures with in the photo, the same can be said about the second picture where the spiral used within the picture has been used to show off the texture. 

I like this photo as it contains 2 different types of texture, it has the large lines and then the smaller ones which feature within the large lines. The whole picture shows different textures and gives you an idea of the feel of the subject of the picture. I don't know what the subject of this photo however it really gives you a sense of the difference textures within the photo. This is a good photo because you don't have to know what the photo is of to appreciate the textures photographed here. 

I like both these photos they both have a cracked textured, they are both showed by different things but they are both different subjects. I like that the top picture because it uses the different colours to really show off the texture within the photograph and the different colours, however I prefer the picture that is in black and white because the different tones of black and white shows the differences in the texture very clearly and shows off all of the different cracks featuring with in the picture. I would like to create a photo like this that will really show off the texture. I really like black and white photos so I would like to take a photo that would look goo in black and white. 

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