Tuesday 15 September 2015

Image Bank - Colour

I like these photos because they use black and white with only the key element of the photo in colour. This draws the viewer attention to that specific part of the photo, the bright colours featured within the photo capture the audiences attention due to the lack of colour featured in the rest of the photograph. I like these photos because the editing technique makes them look very impressive and clever, I included these picture because this is an edit technique that I would like to learn.

I have put this photo in my image bank because it uses many different colours in order to capture the audiences attention and keep them interested in the photo as there is so much going on within the photograph. The different colours in the photo keep the audiences attention and make them look at all different parts of the picture individually. The bright colours used within the photography really help to capture the attention of the viewer and draw them in. There are a lot of different colours in this photo and they have been used to their full potential in capturing the eye of the audience 

I picked this photo to go into my image bank because of the use of both complimentary colours and analogous colours. These types of colours have been used to make some of the windows really stand out and looks bright. I like this photo because it the different colours on the glass really stand out against the plain colour of the blue sky.  I like the angle of the image as it has been used to emphasise the depth of the building. I like the use of a low angle looking up at the building giving it height and allowing the colours to really stand out.

I placed these pictures in my image bank because the both use complimentary colours to make the main subject of the photo stand out. In one photo the primary colour of the pair is the colour main subject and in the other photo the secondary colour has been used on the main subject of the photograph. I like the use of the complimentary colours used in the photograph as it really makes the subject of the image stand out. The rule of third has been well used as in the second photo the main subject of the photo is not in the centre of the frame it is off to the right hand side. The use of the complimentary colours draw your eyes straight to the main subject of the photo even though it is not in the centre of the frame.

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