Tuesday 15 September 2015

Definition Post - Colour


Dictionary Definition - the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way it reflects or emits light. 

Saturation - is used to describe the intensity of the colour within an image 

Muted Colour-  Colours that have been toned down or softened using black, white or a complementary colour.  

Analogous Colour - Analogous colours are groups of three colours that are next to each other on the colour wheel, with one being the dominant colour. One example would be Blue, Blue Green and Blue Violet. 

Complementary Colour - Is the colour that is opposite to the main colour on the colour wheel. For Example Purple complements Yellow. If placed next to each other the can capture the audience attention. If the complementary colours are mixed they will make black. 

Natural Complimentary Colours - This photo uses complimentary colours that are naturally occurring and just happen to appear together. The complimentary colours make the subject of the photo clear and stand out 

 Man-made complimentary colours- These colours are not naturally occurring in this situation and have been placed here to draw your attention to the main subject of the photograph meaning the colours have been well used.  
Analogous Colours- Theses colours have been used in this photo to show of the different sizes of the flowers. The analogous colours are very similar yet show off all the different shade well. 

Selective Colour - Selective colour has been used to make the colour stand out and show off the 
colour within the photograph. 

Personal Definition - The visual element associate with the appearance of everything in existence.

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