Thursday 24 September 2015

Image Bank - Pattern

I like this photo because there is a clear pattern through out the photo. I like the there is a clear distance between each part helping to keep the pattern together. I like the use of analogous colours this also adds to the pattern as it is easy see a consistent pattern through out the picture. I like that the pattern continues all the way to the back even tohugh the photo blurs the pattern can still be seen and it is highlighted by the analogous colours.

I also chose this photo to go in my image bank because it shows a very different pattern, a pattern that I had never really taken notice of before now, the pattern of slicing bread into equal sizes. I like this photo because it shows a clear pattern that established at the left had side of the photo. The photo uses a line to shoe off the pattern and make it complete as it keeps the viewers attention on the main subject of the photo as it uses a leading line. I like this photo as it uses a simple pattern and there is not too much going on with in the photograph and this allows the viewers focus to be kept on the main subject of the photograph. 

I like this photo as it shows a pattern between the shells but also a different pattern on each of the shells. I like this photo because there is a lot to keep the eyes busy and there is a lot to different patterns to look at meaning that the attention of the viewer is kept for a really long time. The many different shells keep the viewers attention because they are so many different sizes and shapes but also the different patterns, there is so much going on within the photograph that it keeps the viewers attention for a long time. 

I like this photo because it has a clear pattern that goes round and draws you in to the photograph. The pattern of going round and round, meaning that your attention is keep until you reach the centre of the photograph. The pattern is simple to follow as it allows you to keep up with the pattern and allow you to see the entirety of the photo. The pattern also shows the depths of the main subject of the photograph. The different colour featuring in the middle of the photograph also draws to the viewers the middle of the picture and shows of the pattern as the viewers attention is drawn to the centre of the picture. 

I like the pattern of the coral in this in the photograph because it means that you can see all of the different hole in which fish and other sea creatures could swim in and out of. I like the angle that the photo is taken at  as it really shows the pattern well and shows that it is a continuing pattern. The angle of the photograph is really well planned out and shows of the pattern and the detail really well and really shows off the 3D pattern from the coral. 

This is the final photo in my image bank, I have chosen to put this in my image bank because it shows a repeating pattern. The pattern in this photo is very clear and is clearly the main focus of the photograph even though there is something else in the background of the photograph you easy do not really register what is in the background as your eyes are too focused on the pattern in the foreground of the photograph. 

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