Thursday 10 December 2015

Portraiture Retouching

 In the photo on the right I have applied a soft focus to the photo to the retouch the skin of the model 
Below are the step for how to do this 
1.   Open photo
     2.   Image – Mode – CMYK Colour – Ok -
3.   Channels – Yellow
4.   CMD- A
5.   CMD- C
6.   Go back to layer
  7.   CMD-Z to original image
8.   CMD-V
9.   Rename Layer Flaws
10.  CMD-I
11.  Blending mode to soft light
12. Press alt-K and then circle in rectangle at bottom of screen
13. Select a soft brush
14.  Adjust Opacity

15.  Apply to Image make sure the colour is set to white

In the photo on the right I have used 
the spot healing tool to get rid of blemishes and imperfections 
Below are the steps on how to do this. 
 1.   Open Image
2.   Alt-J to duplicate layer
3.   Rename Layer – Blemishes
4.   Select the spot healing tool
5.   Apply to blemishes and

Here is the photo with both these effect applied 

I really like the effects that these had on the picture. I like that it changed the eye colour and that the effect that it has had on the face. I like that it made the skin equal and look soft. I like the editing on the face as it doesn't look fact but you can tell that it has been edited. The processes look very difficult however once you have got the hang of them they are easy and are very quick to apply. Originally I didn't like the idea of doing this process but after seeing how well it worked I feel like it will work better with some of my photos. 

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