Thursday 3 December 2015

Image Bank - Multiple Imagery

I like this image because the image is exactly the same photo but the eye colour has been manipulated in order to show off the eye and really highlight the different colours. This multiple imagery doesn't tell a story but it does show a lot of different techniques. I like that no gap has been left between each and shows that it is exactly the same photo. I like this because it show continuity between the photos. 

I like this image because all the lips are different and are on different people in different light with different zoom however they work really together. The design is very simple and I like that a small gap has been left to show that it is a different range of photo. I like the fact that they are all different yet are able to link together in a clear way. 

I like both of these images because they are all photos of the same thing from different angles. I like that it is clear and it really shows off the subject of the photo. I also like that even though the whole subject isn't in the photograph from the layout of the images you can tell exactly what is being photographed and it is clear that the placement of the image bass been well planned and clearly thought out. 

I like this image because the subject of the photo and the individual photos are all very simple and really link together well. I like that even though the image doesn't make a tree and doesn't look like an actual tree. I like that even though it doesn't look like a tree it does resemble a tree slightly because the branches get less and less in the top of the image and the trunk is clearly shown in the bottom row of photos. 

I like this image because I feel like you can really appreciate all of the different parts of her face. I like how the photographer has used 5 images including skin and 4 which don't and has arranged them in a clear pattern. I like that you can clearly see all of her and you are drawn to the image because the face fonts look quite right and is really shown off through the placement of the images.

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