Monday 8 February 2016

Work Diary - London Trip

On the 26th of January as a class we went to some photography exhibitions in the science museum before heading to Trafalgar Square to take more photographs. However before we were due to meet I decided to go to Camden Market and take some photographs around Camden Market and take some extra photos to help me with the project. 

Below is a photograph I created 

Background Image Camera Settings - 1/320 sec f/3.5 ISO 3200

I have manipulated a boot that can be found on a building in Camden Market to look as though it is balanced on the top of a post in Trafalgar Square. I like the manipulation involved in the creation of the image and I like the way it turned out. To get the post in focus and the background blurred I used a Prime lens to get the blurred at the back and the front in focus. I enjoyed working with this different lens as it allowed me to try out new techniques which I couldn't do with the original lens on my camera. 

Below is a photo I don't like 

Camera Settings - 0.3 Seconds, f/5.6 ISO 800

I don't like this photo as it is very blurred and the background of the picture is blurred. I had the shutter speed set for too long and therefore it meant that it captured some of the movement that was going on in the photograph. I don't like this image because as it has blurred it is now cannot be fixed and therefore means that it cannot be used. I also don't like that all the colours have blurred and therefore it doesn't look as clear as it would have done if it had been on a lower shutter speed. 

1 comment:

  1. a good post but correct terminologies blurred colors I guess you mean muted? and where you have used a prime lens, well done , but also explain blurring through the use of aperture settings. You will need to find this out from your camera meta-data
