Thursday 25 February 2016

Artist Research - Joachim Schmid

Joachim Schmid is an artist that takes disregarded photographs and performs physical experiments on them in order to make them more interesting. This type of photography is called found photography and has been performed by Joachim Schmid since the early 1980's. Joachim Schmid has had work exhibited in many international institutions and his work is extremely different to many other pieces of work that are out there.

The image above uses two different photographs and combines them together in order to create a whole image. The images have been placed perfectly together and almost look as though they are showing the passing of time as the baby is getting older. The images have been placed over each other to create a full picture that looks good and work well together. The physical experiment has been done well and has been done correctly and the whole picture fits together perfectly. 

In the picture above Joachim has used colour in order to highlight features of the woman in the photograph. He has made the lips and nails red in order to make them stand out. The bright red lips and nails stand out and due to the fact that the whole picture is black and white and there is no colour in the rest of the photograph. This physical experiment works well and really highlights how feminine the woman in within the picture. 

I like the way that the image has been ripped up yet placed back together and therefore shows that something has gone wrong in the photograph yet it is trying to work well together. The rips are a permanent and suggest that something permanent is happening in the picture. I like that the rips aren't straight nor do the make a cross in the middle. I like that you can't see how the pieces have been put back together yet you can see that they have been put back together. 

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